SUCCESS WORLD HEREAFTER. We live with what we get, and make a life by what we give
Senin, 26 November 2012
Diabetes and the further consequences of health has become the world's major killers. The medical field has taken an approach to prescribing medications to lower cholesterol for patients who experience high amounts of cholesterol. Heart problems seen more in people who have cholesterol. Reduce bad cholesterol by taking medicine to prevent heart disease and there is a good gain eternal life But some oppose this and says it has side effects that lead to diabetes. So they say that a proper diet and regular exercise is better than continuous medication is dangerous. The primary basis of a healthy person is a healthy diet and regular fitness but for some it just is not significant, especially those with a large amount of bad cholesterol problems and heart related diseases is not quite easy to recognize, and they are not likely to be up. late. So this is a disease that often results in sudden cardiac death, heart attack, stroke. Result in death or disability. People who are at high cholesterol have a high likelihood of heart attacks. But it is said that once a person starts cholesterol tablets taken control then he should take it continuously because once you stop taking it the cholesterol level will go up more than they which maintain, so it is better to go for a second opinion is always before starting drugs is another factor that This drug has a chance to change for the diabetic patients also.
Those who have diabetes, especially type 1 and type 2 diabetes face increased risk of heart attack, high blood pressure and stroke are very difficult for the heart dideteksi.Penyakit generally influenced mainly diabetes. As blood flow is slower in diabetic patients due to thickening of the blood vessels, heart problems can occur immediately, stroke, and paralysis or death. Someone who had the metabolic syndrome are also at high risk of heart problems and is very common in the United States and is now seen throughout the entire dunia.Gejala common heart disease although it varies from each individual is pain in the chest, shortness of breath, sore legs, swollen ankles . To prevent heart disease, the main thing one should do is to reduce your weight by regular exercise and a healthy diet. Avoid alcohol and smoking, go to the doctor's advice, the cholesterol and bp regular check ups, blood sugar levels every month. It is not only the month check up but maintain the right is what is needed. We can assess the risk of cardiovascular disease through the EKG (electrocardiogram).
A patient with diabetes also face the problem of distance, so proper care should be taken to the foot. Foot ulcers affect 1 out of every 10 patients with diabetes. It affects the sensory part of the body and become numb, often seen is it becomes dry and chapped for these people. Infection spreads rapidly than normal and it takes time to heal as the high glucose levels in these patients. So with tight sugar control with proper medication and healthy diet and exercise regularly you are less likely to suffer from problems associated with diabetes such as foot ulcers heart problems, stroke, paralysis, and so on. So it was good or very good time to mention that diabetes is a disease kardiovaskular.Sebagai yourself insulin resistance develops in patients with diabetes that affects pankreas.Sebagian 90% of patients with type 2 diabetes. Obesity also end up in a fairly diabetes seen in the U.S.. Both of excess fat in the body and the activity ended in type 2 diabetics. Diabetes is a major risk factor for heart disease in men and women. When co hyper tension exists with diabetes over a fairly common CVD risk factors doubled. Patients with diabetes who smoke are also at risk of CVD doubled.
When blood flow to the brain is disrupted stroke occurs and is also called as brain attack. When blood flow to the brain is stopped, brain cells are damaged very quickly if one side of the brain is affected it will affect the other side because one side of the brain controls the opposite side. . There are different types of stroke, many of whom are not identified most of her silence one which lasted for an hour or may last up to twenty four hours. This is referred to as a silent stroke mini stroke will turn into a bigger one in the next five years if not treated. This is a warning sign that should not be overlooked. Effects of stroke depends which area of the brain is damaged. Some common symptoms are pain in the left leg and a hand in the future could not move the left side, the speech can not be understood, the left side of the face goes limp and so on. The third leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease and cancer is stroke or brain attack. The most common symptom is numbness in the left side of the body and face, decided headaches for no reason, lack of speech. Compared to other organs of the brain is the most sensitive body so any slow blood flow can damage brain cells very quickly and the lack of oxygen also causes brain damage. Those who have high blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol, obesity, physical inactivity, causing strokes and heart disease. Studies say that those who have faced the first stoke will get the next five years. After a good workout, healthy diet, quitting smoking reduces the risk of stroke, keeping blood pressure and cholesterol under control. When blood flow through the vessels to stop blood clots stroke occurring and thus the brain will be damaged very quickly because they are very sensitive and there by the brain begin dying. Thus, the brain cells die when a stroke occurs and there is a specific function that is controlled by the brain is stopped or function such as speech, physical movement, and memory power. So people with minor problems that face small strokes like leg movements, partial speech but with a high stroke can be paralyzed or the ability to speak entirely. Stroke is a brain attack like a stroke of advertising brain rather than the heart. Those who have had a mini stroke, stroke, or others who have high blood pressure tend to get a brain attack very quickly so as to prevent from such we must take certain steps. Most people do not know they have high blood pressure because there are no signs or symptoms for this, but this time will be accompanied by high sugar cholesterol, kidney damage, arthritis etc begins. So it is clear that a stroke or brain attack occurs when blood flow to the brain stops. In the United States stroke is ranked as the fourth killer. There are two types of one stroke is when there is a blockage and the other is bleeding into the brain. The first is a very common ischemic stroke and the second type is called a hemorrhagic stroke, so as to avoid his death because we have to know the warning signs and risk factors. Major signs that your brain does not receive oxygen is suddenly numbness in the legs, face or one of your body, a lack of control in walking, deciding headaches, lack of understanding speech and warning signs are nausea, vomiting , sleepy. This may take a few minutes and they were gone, and so they called a mini stroke. So do not take it easy to go to the doctor to get your checks and you can save a life. Some risk factors for stroke are treated high blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol, family history etc..
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